How to Write a Character Analysis
Introduction As you were reading your assigned work, you had probably been engaging in an informal character analysis without even knowing it, whether from your own opinions, text you selected to highlight, or notes that you wrote. With a little guid…
如何写出一篇好论文(Essay)? 莎士比亚曾说过:“言语胜于刀剑,笔尖胜过干戈”。但是,对于一个作者来说,光有一只笔杆是远远不够的。当你写一篇英语论文(English essay)时,满腔热情提笔就写,往往效果不佳。论文通常会有一些固定的写作格式以及写作技巧。除了专业的学术论文之外,普通的高中和大学论文一般都是五段式结构。 第一段:引论(Introduction)第二段:正文1(Body 1)第三段:正文2 (Body 2)第四段:正文3(Body 3)第五段:结论(Conclusion) 这…