你是否为了凑论文字数,硬生生把“Her mouth watered.”写成“Her mouth was watering a lot.”?
长句子 vs. 冗长句子:关键差异解析
长句子 ≠ 低质量写作!对比以下两组英文例句:
✅ 有效长句(逻辑清晰):
“While the symbolism of the red A in The Scarlet Letter initially represents Hester’s shame, its evolving meaning ultimately reflects her defiance of Puritanical norms.”
❌ 冗长句子(无效填充):
“I think that the red A that Hester has to wear on her dress in the book The Scarlet Letter is something that first shows shame but later shows her independence.”
核心区别:冗长句子包含无意义词汇(如that, really, very)和弱动词结构,与句子长度无关。
为什么教授厌恶wordy sentences?
1. 削弱论点权威性
对比两个thesis statement:
❌ 冗长版:
“I believe that Louis Armstrong and other jazz musicians in the 1930s and 1940s began to fight racism with their music.”
✅ 精简版:
“Louis Armstrong’s jazz innovations in the 1930s challenged racial stereotypes through cultural subversion.”
删除”I believe”和”began to”后,论点立刻显得客观有力。
2. 掩盖核心信息
❌ 原句:
“There was a really very loud knock on the door suddenly.”
✅ 修改后:
“A thunderous knock echoed through the room.”
用”thundered”替代”really very loud”,用”echoed”替代冗余描述,信息传递效率提升300%!
1. 删除第一人称表述(紧急代写服务可一键处理)
除非是personal statement,否则学术写作需用第三人称:
❌ 原句:
“In this essay, I will show how climate change affects coastal cities.”
✅ 修改后:
“Climate change directly threatens infrastructure sustainability in coastal urban areas.”
2. 用强动词替换”weak verb + adverb”
冗长组合 | 精简动词 |
walk slowly | trudge |
say loudly | proclaim |
shake violently | convulse |
工具推荐:Merriam-Webster Thesaurus查找精准词汇,但避免使用生僻词如”sesquipedalian”。
3. 6大注水词黑名单(代写团队常用筛查标准)
❶ That(90%可删):
“She said that you can submit it.” → “She said you can submit it.”
❷ Very/Really(用strong adjective替代):
“very important” → “crucial”
❸ Began to/Start to(直接描述动作):
“He started to run quickly.” → “He sprinted.”
4. 三轮编辑法(ACADBOX编辑团队推荐)
- 首轮:结构性调整(用反向提纲检查逻辑链)
- 二轮:Ctrl+F搜索黑名单词汇批量删除
- 终轮:朗读修改(借助软件检查流畅度)
✅ 加急代写服务:12小时交付高分论文,匹配学科导师
✅ 精修润色:Native editor逐句删除冗余词,并提供修改批注
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